Samstag, 21. April 2012

Shopper 2.0 prefers smartphones over computers

About inMarket

Our audience of 20MM US shoppers are in-store and ready to buy. They're using their smartphone to check their grocery list, receive product information, get recipes, read reviews, compare prices, and look for deals.

We drive shoppers to your brand's precise location on the shelf and compel them to take your item in-hand to scan your bar code. Then we deliver relevant messaging that closes the sale and motivates them to put your brand in their basket.

Find the Perfect Consumer

Walk them down the aisle. inMarket puts your product into consumers' hands… anywhere it is sold. Target a particular chain, a region, or even an individual store. No matter where your product physically sits in the store, inMarket creates a virtual endcap -- bringing it front and center to the consumer.

Whisper in their ear. Imagine if you could talk to the consumer while they're holding your product. Now you can! Send a digital coupon. Show them a video. Promote a sweepstakes. Help them choose the right variety. Get Liked on Facebook.
Inventory their pantry. Are consumers using your brand or a competitor's? Build loyalty or entice them to switch!

Don't take our word for it. We deliver ROI and brand studies with each campaign. If you're new to mobile, or ready to take it to the next level, talk to us!

"People are more savvy about how they shop. One of the great things about companies like CheckPoints is they give people immediate access to interactive content to help them make smarter shopping decisions, and for brands like Belkin, the opportunity to engage right at the point of purchase. It's a win for everyone."
Ernesto Quinteros, Belkin Chief Brand Officer

"CheckPoints' innovative approach allows us to tell our product story to new consumers at the point of purchase, when it really counts. It's a win-win proposition that is further maximized by the ability to quantitatively measure our success."
Robin Kamen, General Manager, Digital Strategy at Seventh Generation